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Across healthcare marketing, the rise of digital media has increased the use of tools such as marketing  pixels to enhance the outcomes, outreach and engagement with digital content. 

While our marketing tracking and optimization strategies currently benefit from the use of pixels, with the rise of privacy regulation, new litigation against digital user tracking and the increase of clients removing marketing pixels from websites, many marketers are struggling with  the best path forward.

BPD’s 3 Step Approach to Marketing Pixels

The benefit of marketing pixels enables reduction of media investments through optimizations and deeper understanding of marketing strategy impact. The following marketing pixel protocols maintain the efficacy of the technology for better marketing and media performance outcomes. 

Our recommendation is to implement the following steps in relation to marketing pixels for the benefit of usage to our strategies and recommendations:

1. Educate internal teams by providing documentation, training and discussion for comprehensive understanding of the current technology enabled for marketing pixels. While the technology is similar in most use cases, providing marketing, engaging with a partner who can provide the following education as needed.

2. Leverage a comprehensive pixel measurement and activation strategy to track successful outcomes from advertising campaigns to help optimize performance and maximize return on investment.

  • Identify the role of marketing pixels and where the technology can benefit media optimizations and track impact from marketing strategies across digital channels

  • Implement marketing pixels per site requirements on select onsite pages and for usage on advertising placements only

  • Place marketing pixels only on public pages and events.

  • Strategically align on retargeting or audience creation strategies with marketing pixels for healthcare advertising campaigns. While marketing pixels can capture anonymized IDs to retarget ads to users on or across publisher websites/platforms, It is important to note that media partners will utilize pixel data to gain insights and optimize our campaigns for maximum conversions, ensuring we achieve the best possible results based on the information gathered

3. Partner with legal and IT internal stakeholders to ensure alignment. As the regulatory landscape is quickly changing and adjusting at the state and local level, it’s important to ensure proposed strategy is approved by legal and managed for implementation by IT administration for security compliance.

In cases where marketing pixels are deemed inappropriate due to current legal and regulatory requirements BPD can help advise on alternative methods for marketing measurement, tracking and optimization on a case-by-case basis. These strategies range from other data sharing solutions to measurement tools such as marketing mix modeling for holistic impact.

BPD’s Recommendation

As regulation continues to shift and technology for privacy-first is enabled, especially among mobile devices, it will be important to revisit how pixel technology changes to accommodate landscape needs. Engage with a partner who is at the forefront of these changes and will continually communicate as needed to adjust marketing strategy recommendations.

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